Stay at Home Mums...

It's time to let go

of the Quest for Perfection...

Discover how to deepen the connection with yourself,

reconnect with inspiration and feel truly heard and understood

Dear Mums, Everywhere...

I want you to hear this:

You are seen.

You are appreciated.

You are extraordinary.

You are so much more than 'just a mum.'

Your dreams, your desires for a moment of peace, a night of uninterrupted sleep, are not just whims – they're essential, and they're valid.  

In your moments of doubt, hold onto this truth – you are part of an unbreakable sisterhood of mothers, each a testament to the power and resilience of a mother's love.  

Together, we will embrace this beautiful, tumultuous journey, finding joy and peace in the chaos.   You are incredible, courageous, and deeply loved. Never, ever forget that.



I am so grateful for Julie's coaching expertise. After a few sessions with her unique care and supportive presence, I feel more connected and integrated with who I truly am. I'm seeing challenges in new ways and looking forward to a brighter future!


I highly recommend Julie to anyone who is needing support through separation or divorce and who is wanting to do inner healing and personal development work. I have gained and processed so much during our sessions- thank you Julie.


I found Julie a very approachable coach and one who wants to help you not tell you what to do. I truly recommend a session with Julie and work out a way for Julie to guide you and support your direction or path.

Janice Muir

"Find joy in the chaos, connect with your inner self,

and embrace the journey of being a mum

and so much more."

Julie Mundy

The Bare Naked Truths

The Untold, Unfiltered, and Unbelievably

real stories of motherhood.



Check out a recent interview I did on

the Untold Stories of Motherhood!

Work With Me

Mom's Perfectly Imperfect Path:


(free challenge)

The Sisterhood 12 week Program:

Unlocking Your Best Self

One Week at a Time


Julie Mundy

Empowerment Coach, Author, Speaker


Julie Mundy

Empowerment Coach, Author, Speaker


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